
I am always Watching and I See you,
Hiding in plain sight, yourself to Deceive.
So carefully built, your Facade untrue,
Shown to all the world that they might Believe.

I sit upon your shoulder and Whisper
Unwanted truth that your mind would Belie,
And though Denied know your heart will listen
To the bitter loneliness that you cry.

I am the hidden part of you that sees,
When you can’t look at me in the mirror,
The whisper that will not let you deceive,
But will only make our faults the clearer.

So yes, fool the world, they’d want it be so,
That the painful truth of you they’d not see,
But in the long night, alone and alone,
There’s naught but the truth between me and thee.

Water Under the Bridge

Old regrets and unpaid debts,
The ones you cannot change,
Cling so tightly to your mind,
That never go away.

Those things we must regret,
Those debts we can never pay,
Now sit upon the spirit,
To darken every day.

There can be no relief,
From the guilt and the pain
Of drowning in the regret
That tomorrow comes again.

So stand on the river’s bank,
And cast them in the surge,
So that they float gently off,
Like water under the bridge.


Fear today, fear tomorrow,
Fear the smile, fear the sorrow.
Fear the living, fear the dying,
Fear the failing, fear the trying.

Fear giving, fear the taking,
Fear the truth, fear the faking.
Fear distance, fear the touch,
Fear too little, fear too much.

Fear the thoughts, fear all the words,
Fear the pain, fear joy unheard.
So much fear, no love to give,
We live in fear and forget to live.

Wolf Moon

Winter is here and the Wolf is nigh,
His moon glows bright ‘gainst the stars,
The backlands ring with his eerie cry,
As he hunts both near and far.

The trees are bare and covered with ice
In a land of white and gray,
And the Wolf I hear in deepest night
Is stalking another prey.

Aged and slower his prey cannot flee
From the Wolf that stalks his path.
Still the prey yearns again to be free
From the grip of ages’ wrath.

Carry no victory in your grasp,
Stalking this bitter moon,
Yet even still as you stay your wrath
I know you are coming soon.

For none flees a Wolf of bitter moon
As he stalks the fleeting path
Of those who walk in late afternoon
And see now the end at last.

L.B. Waugh 30January2021